文/Joanne Acompanado, Johanna Dreike, 蔡宜蓁、籃玉璇、吳佳芮


臺灣師範大學藝術史研究所在今年(112學年下學期)EMI課程 “Modern Taiwanese and East Asian Art History"「近代臺灣與東亞美術史研究」中,師生共同策畫藝術家張萬傳(1909-2003)的展覽,展出多件過去未曾展過的作品。課程的目標之一,是嘗試在規劃展覽的過程當中運用現在新興的人工智慧技術(以下簡稱AI),並且詳實地將過程記錄下來。本展覽不具營利性質,為課程教學研究的一部分,過程中無意侵犯任何智財權。本系列文章旨在記錄並思考AI對策展工作帶來的利弊,作為日後參考,並請理解文章部分先以英文撰稿後帶有中譯語感處。





【圖1】ChatGPT partial reply to poster creation text prompt ChatGPT只回應了一部份的海報生成指令。圖版來源:作者提供。

我們接著測試其他免費的AI圖片生成平台,例如Canva的Magic Media、Fotor和Visme。在使用文字描述作為指令的情況下,這些平台都只提供了少量且基礎的海報模板,且無法進行更進一步的編輯。在使用Magic Media時【圖2】【圖3】,我們輸入了展覽的雙語標題、希望達成的設計理念和指定配色。然而這個平台將我們指令中並未提及的元素加入生成結果當中,並且無法正確地顯示我們輸入的標題,只有整體色調符合原初的指令。仔細檢視時,我們發現這些圖像有著奇特的構圖,大多以四散的抽象形狀為主。接著我們嘗試使用Fotor設計海報,結果它以四種不同的中國風景作為主要元素【圖4】【圖5】。這些元素和我們輸入指令內的藝術家沒有直接關連,作為海報也會誤導觀眾對於展覽的想像。至於Visme,這個平台只提供了少數海報模板,小組成員認為這些模板並未提供靈感,反而限制了我們對海報的想像。

【圖2】The process of producing the poster with Canvas Magic Media. 運用Canvas Magic Media製作海報的過程。圖版來源:作者提供。
【圖3】Posters produced by Canvas Magic Media. 由Canvas Magic Media生成的海報。圖版來源:作者提供。
【圖4】The process of producing the poster with Fotor. 運用Fotor製作海報的過程。圖版來源:作者提供。
【圖5】 Posters produced by Fotor. 由Fotor生成的海報。圖版來源:作者提供。


【圖6】Group Discussions 小組討論過程。圖版來源:作者拍攝與提供。

我們從 Toby Hu 設計的「敦煌人」海報【圖 7】(Reference poster found on Pinterest: https://reurl.cc/VzLbrR, accessed on 15 April 2024)中獲得了靈感並確定最後設計概念,其實與這個設計類似的風格已經出現在如電影、營建業等的海報上。將標題文字平鋪延伸在地面上的設計,啟發我們也將展覽中文標題形象化為想像的路徑。同時,配合英文標題「Unveiled」有著「揭開」的含意,也讓我們想到填入畫作色彩的點子,像是在預告展品風格【圖8】(展覽暫定海報)。在執行過程中,我們也嘗試使用AI來完成各種任務,例如製作書法風格的標題,或是擷取其風景畫中的點景人物作為設計元素和貼紙圖樣。然而結果並不樂觀。因為我們主要使用的是英文AI平台,無法製作出書法風格的標題。想要去除人物背景的時候,由於張萬傳使用速寫的筆觸描繪人物,因此人物與背景融合在一起,AI無法分辨【圖 9】,還是需要在繪圖軟體上用人為判斷手動勾勒出輪廓。

【圖7】Reference poster found on Pinterest: https://reurl.cc/VzLbrR (accessed on 15 April 2024)
海報設計參考 (2024.04.15 參考自Pinterest: https://reurl.cc/VzLbrR)。圖版來源:作者提供。
【圖9】AI unable to detect subject from background (AI 無法辨識畫作中的人物和動物)。圖版來源:作者提供。


在接下來的行銷策略任務中,我們打算在網站創建中使用AI。當我們開始設定網站時,AI會提出一些問題,幫助我們制定網站大綱,以及找到適合我們的模板。但是即便根據我們的要求,它還是會犯一些錯誤,這就需要我們自己進行修改。【圖 10】不過我們可以預見,AI對我們小組的最大貢獻是為我們的雙語展覽進行翻譯,以及在最後一刻進行語法檢查。

【圖10】The conversation with AI provided by the website 架設網站的過程中,使用網站提供的AI的過程。圖版來源:作者提供。





What would it be like to curate an exhibition with A.I.? The visual design

Author: Joanne Acompanado, Johanna Dreike, Romy Lan, Elisa Tsai, Evelyn Wu,

Editor: Chia-Chiu Tsai

One of our tasks in curating an exhibit of Chang Wan-Chuan(1909-2003)for our EMI course “Modern Taiwanese and East-asian Art History” at the Graduate Institute of Art History, NTNU included incorporating the growing technology of artificial intelligence (AI) while we worked on the planning and administration of the exhibit and documented the process. The exhibition is not made for business interests, with no intention to invade any intellectual property rights, and only provided for educational and academic purposes. Upon dividing the class into three groups, each was in charge of different aspects of the curatorial process: design and marketing, installation and event planning, and administration and budget planning. Our group is responsible for designing the main visual and planning the exhibition’s marketing, including creating promotional materials like posters, cool cards, and a new website for the exhibition and developing strategies for further promotion.

The rapid developments regarding the usage of AI art currently raise issues of art theft and ownership, but it can also be seen as a new possibility, assisting for example, in creative processes and providing guidance and inspiration. These are just a few examples of how this technology currently affects and shapes the art sector and therefore our work. Despite being skeptical about using this technology, we worked along each step with the AI application and documented the results. After determining the title and general narrative of the overall exhibit with other groups, we proceeded to list what types of material or deliverables to produce and then began the design stage.

Creating the main visual

The first step in our design process was creating the main visual. We began with working on a poster concept. After some trial text prompts when consulting with AI, we found that the free version of the most commonly used AI platform, ChatGPT, does not allow you to upload images (an upgrade to ChatGPT 4 or PRO would be necessary), nor does it produce images when providing a detailed description of elements to feature for the design. Though not providing visual aids, ChatGPT offers you step-by-step guidance on how to design a poster while also advising you to collaborate with a designer (fig. 1).

In the next step, we tested other free image-generating AI platforms, such as Canva’s Magic Media, Fotor, and Visme. Limited to image generation prompted by simple text descriptions, they only produce a small selection of different poster designs using basic templates that do not support further graphic editing. For example, when we provided the exact bilingual title of our exhibition, the design concept we aimed for, and specified the preferred color scheme, the AI-generated posters by Canva’s Magic Media (fig 2-3) featured elements that did not match our intended concept and displayed illegible titles. Only the hue of the posters matched our inserted descriptions. Upon examining the AI-generated images, we found that the compositions were peculiar, featuring scattered arrangements of abstract forms. Fotor, on the other hand, created four different digitally painted Chinese landscapes as the dominant elements (fig.4-5). Moreover, the images were unrelated to the artist we have listed, which would create a misleading poster for our exhibit. Visme provides only a limited selection of templates that the group felt restricted our ideas.

It is worth noting that a paid subscription would expand the accessible features of these platforms. Because we wanted to prioritize essential expenses like the printing of materials and the cost of establishing a website, and because of our short timeframe, we decided against purchasing such a description. Since our group already had various ideas for visuals we wanted to include in the design (fig. 6), we did not feel the need to consult AI in our creative design process further and rather focused on creating our own compositions.

We finalized the concept after several ideas – we took inspiration from a concept poster of “敦煌人” (fig. 7) by Toby Hu. The way the text is laid out on the poster floor inspired us to use the Chinese title as the imaginary path. At the same time, we had the idea of “unveiling” parts of the painting as a teaser for the collection (fig. 8). In the execution process, we also attempted to use AI for various tasks like creating Chinese calligraphy or removing the background of some figures to be used as separate elements and stickers. The results were not promising however, as we primarily used English AI platforms and could not get any results for the calligraphy. While the figures that required outlining were from paintings that utilized rapid brushstrokes, the subjects were embedded within the background and required some human judgment for an outline (fig. 9).

Future Usage

In our upcoming marketing strategy tasks, we intend to employ AI to create our website. When we start to set up the website, AI will ask some questions to help us create an outline for creating the website. It can help us to find which template is suitable for us. However, there were still some mistakes in the results from our text prompt, and we had to revise it manually. (Ref. 10) In addition, we can foresee that the largest contribution of AI to our group would be translating for our bilingual exhibit and any last-minute grammar check. 

In conclusion, through our experiences, AI is not meant to do our jobs for us but assist in more effective ways of creation; its functions, such as removing or replacing backgrounds and generative fill, can be anticipated to help designers save time in menial tasks. Creativity would be greatly limited if designers relied only on the results of what AI provided. Furthermore, there are concerns about the security of copyrighted images when uploaded onto the platform. It is also possible we do not know how to efficiently work with AI yet as we are new to the technology, however, it may be difficult for trial users to see its true potential with limited access.


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